
5.3 Less than 2 month...

[[I made this posting 2 weeks ago. I know it's late, sorry]]

I just want to record what I'm feeling nowadays because there are less than 2 month until I leave here. I'm really in mixed feelings. The biggest feeling is being afraid of coming back to my high school in Japan. I'm gonna repeat grade 11 which is grade 2 in Japanese high school, so I have to be with younger students who I don't know. They already have friendships and know each other so much. If they didn't know me at all, I would be fine, but my teacher introduced me to them like there is a student who is staying in Canada for 1 year and she is gonna come back in this summer. Now they expect me and have some images of me which they just made, like I'm such a smart student. But I'm not a student who can speak English perfectly or having something special skills. So I'm worried if I can fit my class. 

The other is I'm so excited to see my family and friends in Japan. I have not seen them for 10 month. I wanna know what I've change since I've been to Canada by them. Of couse I miss Japanese foods. It's so obvious haha. 



4.17 my birthday ~part 1~

So I'm still feeling like I'm in the party. I have to tell you about Thursday and yesterday because those were amazing, the best birthday I've had ever had in my life!! 

 On my birthday, 16th, I went to school as usual. I had a test in chemistry in second block  (I know I had a test on my birthday which sucks😒) and I couldn't finish it in the class so I was doing it at lunch. At the time, Viktória who is my best friend came to me and she rashes me. I didn't know why she did. Then at the moment when I came into the international room, someone put a tiara on my head and many people who were in the room sang a birthday song to me! There was also a birthday cake!! I was so surprised and so happy!! 

After school after I  had a practice of Track and Field, my host mom picked me up at school. There was special dinner which my host family prepared for me! I got birthday cake again, 2 birthday cards and presents!! The card from my host sister says "we are sister forever" It made my day. 


2.7 1st semester is over

 Last week was exam week in my school. We have final exams contained all of units we have learned during 1st semester. I had physics on Tuesday and precalculus on Wednesday. I just studied both of them, but I didn't do hard, it was worse compared to before I came here. In Japan I studied for 2 weeks before exam. As a matter of fact, they were no bad, I think. Relatively, physics and precalculus are easy classes for international students because we don't have to use English so many times, we just calculate. However I take English 11 in next semester. I'm so afraid of it. 


1.31 Response part1

 Thank you for asking me some questions and giving me some topics of this blog. I'll answer them right now.

Q1. How much can you understand English, like in movies, TV shows? What do you do to improve your English?

- It depends on what they talk about. For example, if they talk about something sociology or economics, I don't think I can understand very well because there are many words I don't know. I think memorizing new words is the best way to improve my English, so I have to do that continuously.

Q2. How are classes in my school? What do you usually do?

- I have physics, PE, math and art. In Physics and math, first a teacher speaks about a unit we lean. After that we practis problems in text book or work sheets. 

Q3. How is lunch time?

- I usually go to the international room to have lunch with my friends. Sometimes I have lunch quickly and go to the libraly to study for math or physics.  

Q4. Who do you go to the gym to work out with?

- On Monday and Wednesday my host brother go there for Karate, so my host mom drives me. I used to go there with Gabi. I haven't been there lately. 

Q5. What is good thing to stay in Canada? 
- I have many good things, I think especially I've met people from all over the world and I've known new ideas are the best things. 



1.26 Any question??

 These days I stated serious posts on my blog. So I'm hiring question about me or Canada or whatever you want!! I'll write them on here! 


1.23 Host Family

 I'm sure this surprised my parents. My housemate,Gabi is going to move other host family and change school a few weeks later. It made me disappointed. About 2 month ago she said she was going to change host family, but she wasn't because of me. I was happy. However she can't stand my host mom and school any more. Last Monday she told me she is going to chsnge. She told her about it last Wednesday. She was upset and kinda mad why Gabi had never talked with her. 

 The biggest reason Gabi dicided to move is our host mom's personality, but on Saturday when my host mom came to Gabi's room to talk with her, Gabi told her like "It's because of school, I feel alone in the school, there are no Brazilian. That's why I wanna change and if I go to Vanier(other school), it's far from here. So I have to change host family too." Gabi didn't say anything to her like what my host mom does wrong for Gabi. Actually she can take a bus to Vanier. My host mom understands why Gabi wants to change school, but she doesn't get it why Gabi wants to change host family. But Gabi didn't tell her true things because she wants to leave wisout fighting with them. My host mom started to cry and she was disappointed and still comfused. 

What she don't like about her are many things. For example, Gabi feels she hosts us to get money. When we go to a eating place like donates shop, our host hostfamily don't pay us. Most of other international students don't pey for food, their host family pay. And my host mom sometimes points out our faults as a teacher. 

 I also can't think my host mom is perfect, but I think no one is perfect and feeling sometimes not good when we live with someone is normal thing because we have each personality. So we can say what we want and change it better.

 Gabi thinks she always has to be a good girl in front of our host family, so she doesn't be honest. I think she is sometimes able to be a goofy person and cry and say something how she feels honestly in front of them. That's why when she is pointed out her faults by host mom, she  gets mad at her.

 I'm sad and kind of frustrated. Gabi is happy now, but she made us sad. I know my host family loved her so much. She has to think about other people more before deciding big something.  


1.18 what I'm thinking

 It's January 20th today. I've been here almost 7 month. I hate 28th, because I arrived here on June 28th, so every 28th, it make me realized how long I've been here and make me think that I have just 5 month left. During summer school and the bigening of September, I was always thinking like I wish I could stay here longer than 1 year. And then I asked my parents and my teacher in Japan. It's because if I could stay, my English would be great and make lots of friends, not just international students even Canadian. I was considering too much.

 However now I don't think the way. Of cause if I could, I want to stay longer, but same time I'm so excited to come back to Japan. Actually I don't miss my family and my friends at all. (sorry...) I just wanna know how I was changed by living in Canada when I restart to live in Japan. My friend who already left here said her feeling is different between before going to Canada and after now. I think I'll feel something wired, different and funny. And I hope it's going to make me mature for life in the future. Why I can think so is I knew good things of Japan and Canada.